CA Sanjay Karnatak is the senior partner of Daver Karnatak & Associates with over 16 years of post-qualification experience. He is a Fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and graduate in law from the prestigious Faculty of Law He holds Diploma in Information System Audit, & Diploma in Insurance & Risk Management,
He specializes in Project Financing, Foreign direct investment, Bank Audits, Government & Public Sector (CAG) Audit and assurance services, IndAS Conversion, Local Authority Account conversion from single entry to double entry & Auditing, Auditing of Government and other charitable NGOS, Societies & Trusts, ERP implementation support and management, System audit, XBRL, FEMA, Startup / MSME Funding & Collaboration,
He has rich experience in the field of in the field of litigation and dispute resolution, Income Tax, Audit, Accounting, Corporate Law, Financial Services, Goods & Services Tax (GST) and the erstwhile Service Tax & VAT. Management consultancy